Contact Us:
Physical Address: 118 South Market
Goliad, TX 77963
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 562
Goliad, TX 77963
Phone: 361-645-1716
Fax: 361-645-1772
May We Be Responsible Stewards of our Natural Resources
The Goliad County Groundwater Conservation District (GCGCD) will provide for the protection, preservation, and conservation of groundwater, and prevent waste of groundwater from the Gulf Coast Aquifer to the extent of which the District will implement water conservation strategies to maintain groundwater availability from the Gulf Coast Aquifer on a sustainable basis and work with other groundwater districts in the groundwater management area to make this a common goal.
Board of Directors
Place 2 - Wilfred Korth- President
Place 6 - Art Dohmann - Vice President
Place 7 - Barbara Smith - Secretary
Place 1 - Terrell Graham
Place 3 - Tate Bammert
Place 4 - Colt Williams
Place 5 - Reagan Sahadi
General Manager: Michelle Shelton
The Board of the Goliad County Groundwater Conservation District meets on the 3rd Monday of every month at 5:00 p.m. at 118 S. Market St. in Goliad, TX.